In North Melbourne there really isn't a huge deal of variation between the front gardens, as they are so small the options are slightly limited but most still give it a shot...
This geranium lives in a shop front/house on Victoria Street, Its pretty amazing. I love it.
This is my favorite house ever, they garden is so amazing to look at, its crowded but it works really well, there is always something flowering. I wish more people did things like this in their gardens. Its everything I love about amateur gardening (not that i know for sure this is amateur), Its idiosyncratic, doesn't really have too much design going on and seems to be all the owners favorite plants thrown together but it works so well and obviously has a lot of thought put into it. I don't know the people that own it but I can imagine this kind of garden would reflect the personalities of the people that created it. Therefore the people that live here are most likely rad.
And it's for sale!!! Can I borrow a few million please? Thanks.
When people get to do whatever they want with their gardens some pretty odd stuff can come out, for example the above garden type is pretty common, concreted (or in this case concrete with tiny red rocks stuck in it) with two round hole in it for plants to poke through. When I first came across this I intended to put it on here as an example of a front yard gone wrong, but as I wrote about the idiosyncrasy of the previous garden I thought 'what makes the concrete garden so bad?' after all, it is very well maintained so obviously the person that lives there likes it as it is, and possibly even designed it like this. Just because it isn't to my taste at all, does that make it a 'bad' garden? Obviously these things are totally subjective and by most current standards this isn't a great feat of garden design, but it's not our garden and it may well give the owner a great deal of pleasure to look at. So by these measures it is a very successful garden, this is what amateur gardening is great for, do whatever you like because it doesn't have to look good to anyone but you. But who knows, maybe the resident hates it...
After publicly judging my neighbors gardens I should come clean, I'm a hypocrite. This is my 'front yard' and its dismal, the blacony comes off my bedroom and it doesn't even have a pot plant on it in this photo. Boo! I do have lots of plants though, they are in the backyard, it's really lovely out there, I promise!!
That's taking 'less is more' too far Laura!